Hey there.
To gain admin permissions please execute following command inside csgo console.
rcon_login password
In order to change password edit /csgo/cfg/server.cfg file and add/edit following line
rcon_password "3a3e6a2225c04c44ad65bc22b051128b"
Rcon wouldnt work if you dont have sourcemod installed install the last version of sourcemod remember dont install windows install LINUX and put it in server and go to addons/sourcemod/configs/admins.simple.ini
You can find your steam ID here "https://steamid.xyz /"
Go to the file /csgo/addons/sourcemod/configs/admins.cfg
Add your ID to the Admins category:
z -> all permissions
Also go to the file /csgo/addons/sourcemod/configs/admins_simple.ini. Add:
"STEAM_x:x:xxxx" "z"