Esto trae ReHLDS + ReGameDLL + MetaMod-R + Reunion + Revoice + resemiclip

ReHLDS: Mejoras para el hlds
ReGameDLL: Nuevas funciones
MetaMod-R: Nuevo Metamod
Reunion: Doble protocolo 47/48 steam - no steam
Revoice: Permite hablar entre steam y no steam (sin esto los no steam no escuchan a los steam y viceversa)
ResemiClip: Traspasa a tus compañeros

**** IMPORTANTE ****
coloque el archivo en la raíz / y descomprímalo
recuerda tener el cs 1.6 virgen

This brings ReHLDS + ReGameDLL + MetaMod-R + Reunion + Revoice + resemiclip

ReHLDS: Improvements for the hlds
ReGameDLL: New Features
MetaMod-R: New Metamod
Meeting: Double protocol 47/48 steam - non-steam
Revoice: Allows to talk between steam and non-steam (without this the non-steam do not listen to the steam and vice versa)
ResemiClip: Transfer to your companions

**** IMPORTANT ****
put the file in the root / and unzip it
remember to have cs 1.6 virgen

sorry for my English
Author 3lmack
Createda year ago
Size7 MiB
3lmack a year ago
0 like(s)
AndoTV a year ago
0 like(s)

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