(4.0.0 - 4.21.1) 2.3.14 (4.0.0 - 4.21.1) 2.3.13 (4.0.0 - 4.21.1) 2.3.11 (4.0.0 - 4.21.1) 2.3.10 (3.0.0 - 3.25.6) 2.3.9 (3.0.0 - 3.25.6) 2.3.8 (3.0.0 - 3.25.6) 2.3.7 (3.0.0 - 3.25.6) 2.3.6 (3.0.0-ALPHA12 - 3.0.0-ALPHA12) 2.3.5-10 (3.0.0-ALPHA11 - 3.0.0-ALPHA12) 2.3.5-9 (3.0.0-ALPHA7 - 3.0.0-ALPHA11) 2.3.5-7 (3.0.0-ALPHA7 - 3.0.0-ALPHA10) 2.3.5-6 (3.0.0-ALPHA7 - 3.0.0-ALPHA9) 2.3.5-5 (3.0.0-ALPHA7 - 3.0.0-ALPHA9) 2.3.5-4 (3.0.0-ALPHA7 - 3.0.0-ALPHA8) 2.3.5-2.alpha8 (3.0.0-ALPHA7 - 3.0.0-ALPHA7) 2.3.5-1.alpha8 (3.0.0-ALPHA5 - 3.0.0-ALPHA6) 2.3.5-dev1 (2.0.0 - 3.0.0-ALPHA5) 2.3.5 (2.0.0 - 3.0.0-ALPHA3) 2.3.2 (4.0.0 - 4.21.1) 3.0.1
It is difficult to carry a conversation in the reviews. If you
have a question/bug-report/request please use the
Thread for
that. You are more likely to get a response and help that way.
This documentation was last updated for version 2.2.0.
A full featured World protection plugin.
All commands require a world name to be given, otherwise a default
is selected. If in-game, the default world is the world the player
is currently in. On the console the default is the default-world as
specified in the server.properties file.
This plugin let's you limit what happens in a world.
Some items are able to modify a world by being consume (i.e. do not
need to be placed). For example, bonemeal, water or lava buckets.
To prevent this type of griefing, you can use the banitem
It is possible to create limits in your limitless worlds.
So players are not able to go beyond a preset border. This is
useful if you want to avoid overloading the server by
generating new Terrain.
Show a text file when players enter a world. To explain players
what is allowed (or not allowed) in specific worlds. For example
you could warn players when they are entering a PvP world.
This plugin protects worlds from griefers by restricing placing and breaking
blocks. Worlds have three protection levels:
The following commands are available:
/motd: Shows the world's motd text
usage: /motd [world]
Shows the motd text of a world. This can be used to show
rules around a world.
/worldprotect: Main WorldProtect command
usage: /worldprotect [world] <subcmd> [options]
add: Add player to the authorized list
usage: /wp [world] add <player>
bancmd|unbancmd: Prevents commands to be used in worlds
usage: /wp [world] bancmd|unbancmd [command]
If no commands are given it will show a list of banned
commands. Otherwise the command will be added/removed
from the ban list
banitem|unbanitem: Control itmes that can/cannot be used
usage: /wp [world] banitem|unbanitem [Item-ids]
Manages which Items can or can not be used in a given world.
You can get a list of items currently banned
if you do not specify any [item-ids]. Otherwise these are
added or removed from the list.
border: defines a border for a world
usage: /wp [world] border [range|none|x1 z1 x2 z2]
Defines a border for an otherwise infinite world. Usage:
and z
axis awaygm: Configures per world game modes
usage: /wp [world] gm [value]
lock: Locks world, not even Op can use.
usage: /wp [world] lock
ls: List info on world protection.
usage: /wp ls [world]
max: Limits the number of players per world
usage : /wp [world] max [value]
motd: Modifies the world's motd text.
usage: /wp [world] motd <text>
Let's you modify the world's motd text. The command only
supports a single line, however you can modify the motd text
by editing the wpcfg.yml file that is stored in the world
folder. For example:
noexplode: Stops explosions in a world
usage: /wp [world] noexplode [off|world|spawn]
, so explosions are allowed.protect: Protects world, only certain players can build.
usage: /wp [world] protect
When in this mode, only players in the authorized list can build.
If there is no authorized list, it will use wp.cmd.protect.auth
permission instead.
pvp: Controls PvP in a world
usage: /wp [world] pvp [on|off|spawn-off]
rm: Removes player from the authorized list
usage: /wp [world] rm <player>
unbreakable|breakable: Control blocks that can/cannot be broken
usage: /wp [world] breakable|unbreakable [block-ids]
Manages which blocks can or can not be broken in a given world.
You can get a list of blocks currently set to unbreakable
if you do not specify any [block-ids]. Otherwise these are
added or removed from the list.
unlock: Removes protection
usage: /wp [world] unlock
Will save inventory contents when switching gamemodes.
This is useful for when you have per world game modes so that
players going from a survival world to a creative world and back
do not loose their inventory.
Configuration is through the config.yml file. The following sections
are defined.
This section you can enable/disable modules.
You do this in order to avoid conflicts between different
PocketMine-MP plugins. It has one line per feature:
feature: true|false
If true the feature is enabled. if false the feature is disabled.
This plugin will honour the server language configuration. The
languages currently available are:
You can provide your own message file by creating a file called
messages.ini in the plugin config directory.
Check github
for sample files.
Alternatively, if you have
GrabBag v2.3
installed, you can create an empty messages.ini using the command:
pm dumpmsgs WorldProtect [lang]
There is a minimal API to determine the max number of players per world:
Returns an integer or null.
are appliedWorldProtect Copyright (C) 2015 Alejandro Liu All Rights Reserved.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.