(5.0.0 - 5.16.0) 1.0.0 (5.0.0 - 5.16.0) 1.1.0
Read more on poggitA PocketMine-MP plugin that allows server administrators to issue warnings to players and keep track of their warning history.
# PlayerWarn Configuration
# Do not change this (Only for internal use)!
config-version: 1.0
# Enable or disable the auto update checker notifier.
update_notifier: true
# Warning settings
# The `limit` option specifies the maximum number of warnings a player can receive before punishment is applied.
# Set to a positive integer. Default value: 3
limit: 3
# The `delay` option specifies the delay time in seconds before applying the punishment.
# If the delay is greater than 0, a warning message will be sent to the player.
# If the delay is 0 or negative, the punishment will be applied immediately without delay.
# Default value: 5
delay: 5
# The `message` option specifies the warning message template to be sent to the player.
# The `{delay}` placeholder will be replaced with the actual delay time in seconds.
# You can use color codes by using "§" or "&" before the color code.
# Default value: '&cYou have reached the warning limit. You will be punished in {delay} seconds.'
message: '&cYou have reached the warning limit. You will be punished in {delay} seconds.'
# Punishment settings
# The `type` option specifies the type of punishment to apply when a player reaches the warning limit.
# Valid options are "kick", "ban", "ban-ip", and "none".
# - "kick": Kicks the player from the server when the warning limit is reached.
# - "ban": Bans the player from the server when the warning limit is reached.
# - "ban-ip": Bans the player's IP address from the server when the warning limit is reached.
# - "none": No punishment will be applied when the warning limit is reached.
# Default value is "none".
type: none
# Custom punishment messages for each type of punishment.
# These messages will be shown to the player when the punishment is applied.
# You can use color codes by using "§" or "&" before the color code.
# Note: Custom messages are only applicable when the `type` is not "none".
# Custom message for the "kick" punishment type.
kick: '&cYou have been kicked for reaching the warning limit.'
# Custom message for the "ban" punishment type.
ban: '&cYou have been banned for reaching the warning limit.'
# Custom message for the "ban-ip" punishment type.
ban-ip: '&cYour IP address has been banned for reaching the warning limit.'
# Discord integration settings
# Enable or disable the Discord integration.
# Set to true to enable the integration, or false to disable it.
enabled: false
# The Discord webhook URL to send messages to.
# Replace 'YOUR_WEBHOOK_URL' with the actual URL of your Discord webhook.
# Example: "https://discord.com/api/webhooks/123456789012345678/abcdeFGHiJKLmNOpqRSTUvwxYZ1234567890"
webhook_url: "YOUR_WEBHOOK_URL"
Use this awesome website to generate valid json with built-in preview: Discohook, also you can send webhooks to your server with it if you just wan't fancy embed in your channel without any automatization.
Webhook on Discord
Enable Discord Integration
The PlayerWarn plugin provides the following commands for chunk clearing:
/warn <player> <reason> [duration]
: Command to issue a warning to a player.
/clearwarns <player>
: Command to clear all warnings for a player.
/warns [player]
: Command to view all warnings.
To control access to the commands provided by the PlayerWarn plugin, the following permissions are available:
: Allows players to use the /warn
: Allows players to use the /clearwarns
: Allows players to use the /warns
command.Grant these permissions to specific player groups or individuals using a permissions management plugin of your choice.